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3 ways to protect your suits in monsoon

The monsoon season brings relief from the scorching heat, but it also presents challenges when it comes to protecting your prized possessions, including your suits. Suits are an essential part of every man’s wardrobe, representing sophistication and style. However, the rainy weather can pose a threat to the quality and longevity of your suits if not properly cared for. Don’t worry, though! Here are three effective ways to safeguard your bespoke suits during the monsoon season, ensuring they stay impeccable and ready for any occasion.

Invest in Waterproof Suit Covers

The first line of defense for your suits during the monsoon is a high-quality waterproof suit cover. While standard suit covers offer protection against dust and minor spills, they may not be sufficient to shield your suits from heavy rain or damp conditions. Waterproof suit covers are specifically designed to keep moisture out, preventing any water damage or mildew formation. Look for covers made from durable materials such as nylon or vinyl, as they offer excellent resistance to water. These covers also provide added protection against accidental spills or splashes during your daily commute. Prioritize investing in a few waterproof suit covers to shield your suits from the rain and humidity.

Use Moisture-Absorbing Products

Moisture is the primary enemy of suits during the monsoon season. To combat this, consider using moisture-absorbing products, such as silica gel packets or dehumidifiers, in your wardrobe even if you don’t buy the waterproof suit covers. These products effectively reduce humidity levels and help prevent the growth of mould or mildew. Place a few silica gel packets in your suit pockets or hang them inside your wardrobe to absorb excess moisture. Alternatively, you can use small dehumidifiers specifically designed for wardrobes to maintain an optimal humidity level. By employing moisture-absorbing products, you will ensure that your suits remain dry and fresh, even on the most humid days.

Adopt Proper Drying Techniques

In the unfortunate event that your suit gets wet in the rain, it is crucial to dry it correctly to prevent any damage or odor. Avoid hanging wet suits in a closed, humid space, as it can promote the growth of mildew and ruin the fabric. Instead, hang your wet suit in a well-ventilated area, preferably near a fan or open window, allowing it to air dry naturally. Never expose your suit to direct sunlight, as it can cause the fabric to fade or shrink. If your suit requires quick drying, use a fabric steamer on a low setting to remove excess moisture, followed by air drying. Always ensure that your suit is completely dry before storing it back in your wardrobe to prevent any musty smell or potential damage.

The monsoon season shouldn’t deter you from wearing your favourite bespoke suits. By following these three ways to protect your suits in monsoon, you can confidently navigate the rainy weather without compromising on style and elegance. Investing in waterproof suit covers, using moisture-absorbing products, and adopting proper drying techniques will ensure that your suits remain in impeccable condition throughout the rainy season. Remember, taking proactive measures to protect your suits from the rain will not only preserve their quality but also extend their lifespan, allowing you to enjoy them for years to come.